Well another year has passed us by and what a year it has been! It's amazing all the stuff our family has gone through in 2009. Stuff you never dream you would see your family go through, but did. All I can say is God has been so merciful and so faithful to us. To be honest I'm so glad this year is over and the new year has started. We all need a fresh new start. I won't make any New Year's resolutions because I never keep them. Instead I will simply resolve to do the best I can by eating healthier, exercising more, avoid procrastinating, spending less time on the internet and more time with the kids, visit my parents more often (how hard is that, they're only 5 minutes away!)
I'd like to tell my family and friends who follow my blog that I love them dearly and hope and pray that the new year is full of wonderful blessings and much joy, happiness and good health.