Monday, September 28, 2009

Saltenas Sunday

My sweet cousin Natasha (in the yellow) hosted a fun family get-together at Beba's & Gilmore's Bolivian restaurant in Anaheim. I must say Bolivian food is quite filling. I didn't eat a thing the rest of the day. I had their delicious Silpancho plate. For those non-Bolivian folks who have never heard of Silpancho it is a very popular dish in Bolivia. It comes with breaded steak that is draped over a bed of rice and topped with a tomato salsa with a side of potato and fried egg. Delicioso!! The Saltenas were just as a good. A saltena is a pastry filled with meat (chicken or beef) mixed with sauce, peas and potatos. I could eat these all day long. Great food, great company..time well spent!!

Monday, September 7, 2009

My Dad

It's been several years since my dad participated in any kind of water activity.  Although he occasionally walks with a cane or is experiencing pain in his knees or back, he can still swim like a fish. Not bad for a 78 year old.